May 20, 2019

You’re Doing Content Marketing Wrong

Content, content, content! It’s all about the content they say. Too bad a lot of people are doing it wrong. Instead of thinking about one great video, that one perfect email blast, that viral social media post, riveting blog, or article…  think about everything working together in an ecosystem of content that puts your brand in front of the right audience(s).

This is where many business owners and website managers falter. They concentrate on producing a single format to meet their content needs. This presentation is usually something that falls within their own personal comfort zone. Stretch your muscles by including several different platforms, and optimizing for the experience of the end user on those platforms. Then, don’t be afraid of change! Try different tactics to discover what works most effectively.

Here are some of the most commonly overlooked content marketing mistakes that you can fix before your next marketing campaign hits the Internet:

Remember to Mix and Match Your Content Formats


Remember that comfort zone we discussed? Writers write. Bloggers blog. Tweeters tweet and, well, you get the point. Mix these media options up with to spread the word. Include a short video on your blog or in an email. Give your audience the opportunity to share the news with their friends and family. This not only increases your audience, but it gives you more opportunity to grow your leads.

Mix and match your platforms in order to attract a wider audience and increase awareness of your brand through different avenues. Some of your future customers favor social media over emails or videos over articles. By combining your formats, you are saving time and money while increasing your reach. Always ask what that audience expects on that platform, so you’re sure you’re communicating with them in the way they prefer.

Imagine your company offers a free short video on its website. You’re a roofing company, so it’s about extending the life of that new porch roof someone just added to their home. That is definitely a good draw, but upload it natively to your social media accounts, after creating new versions optimized for those platforms. This will offer more exposure for your video footage and your company, increasing your reputation and making your company an authority in this area.

Strive for Conversions, Not Links

Old school Internet marketing said that more links meant better business. These days, that’s not the case. Reliable, authoritative links that add dependable information to your site are important. Make sure they are active by checking them regularly. Keep informed so you can remove any that become inactive or display errors and faulty information. These kinds of problems not only hurt your reputation, but they also make you look spammy and unprofessional. Use your links wisely to create conversions, leads, and sales.

Make sure any links you do use, increase the value of your site. They need to provide reliable, accurate information that your customers can rely on. Use short blogs and interactive videos to encourage interaction and email exchanges.

Make sure your customers feel valued and have an area to offer valuable insights or information. When they feel welcome, they’ll often provide you with insight into your business that allows you to improve a product or provide better services. Not only will this keep them coming back, but they will also be more likely to share it on their social media pages.

Don’t Forget- Authority Building is Part of Your Story

Authority building is part of your marketing plan, but it can also tell your customers who you are and where you came from. Post pictures or videos as well as written content explaining company values, the core products or services being offered, and what you hope to achieve. Prominently display any awards or accreditations on your website to further the narrative.

This sounds like a no-brainer, but many websites fail to showcase WHY they are an authority in their niche. It is a necessary part of your story. So, present your business as a genuine member of the community and part of a growing industry by telling your story authentically.

Give your customers a way to post their congratulations to any of your employees who have surpassed your expectations or achieved additional certifications. This encourages your clients to engage with your business and spread your story even further.

These declarations show your visitors how committed and dedicated you and your staff are. They see the hard work and believe in your product or service. More importantly, it allows them to follow your story from the beginning, and we all want to feel involved in a happy ending.

Push for Mileage But Shoot for Engagement

There are websites who have huge email lists and claim record-breaking visitors but fall short of making the profit they expect. This can be a simple matter of mileage versus engagement. That means they successfully present themselves to a wide market but fail to bring the customers in. Coupons, freebies, and videos often catch your audience’s attention, but retaining them and keeping them involved is a whole different ball game.

Momentary interest will bring clients in off the street, but you need to provide continuous, entertaining ways of engagement for them to stay. Use one platform (Example: Facebook) to link your customer to your blog or ebook. Since you’re already marketing for the sale, the work is already there, you just need to share it among your various marketing opportunities.

Social media is where many customers find answers to their problems, and hosting a series of short videos that solve these problems is definitely a win-win for you and your customers. Post a short blog that can lead to additional answers or to the video hosted on your social media. Offer a discount to people who share your video or give them a free booklet that offers engaging information.

Whatever industry you want to thrive in, you need your audience. Include them and listen to their responses. This will help you determine the effectiveness of your operations. Tweak them as necessary and repeat. Take a look at this advertisement that shows you how to multi-task your marketing:

The title is easily recognized, and the logo is very obvious.  The presentation is fun and memorable, creating sharing opportunities. If you’d like to see a case study on how we’ve “atomized” our content for multiplatform and cross channel use and inquire how we can do this for you, contact our team here at Scenic Road.