How Brands Get Content in Crisis Communications Wrong

At no other time are the stakes higher for your brand than during a crisis, and at no other time do brands miss an enormous opportunity. How do they get content wrong? Hint: they don’t have any.

The brand might have a crisis communications plan, even a robust, practiced one, but I guarantee they won’t have related content to … Read more

Advertising is Dead and Other Stone Cold Truths

A movement has begun. People usually don’t want to hear what your brand wants to tell them, and they have eleventy million ways now to avoid your advertising.

They want to engage with content in the form of authentic stories, and brands, creators, and television networks are quickly getting on board.

Advertising is moving into the open arms of storytellingRead more

True Story: A blog about authentic storytelling


At Scenic Road, we’re committed to telling authentic stories for brands. Not just pumping out advertising messages that try to convince you to buy the latest widgedydoo.

Plus, it’s what audiences want. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers reported wanted advertising that feels like a story.

An authentic story is an emotional story

We want you to watch … Read more