Launching In-House Video? 6 Reasons Why That Will Hurt Your Bottom Line

Behind the scenes with Scenic Road on a recent product video shoot

This blog has been updated from the original on 2/10/22

Many businesses struggle with the debate on how to handle their brand video content – do they hire outside help or create their own internal video team?

The common mindsets seem to be that hiring outside video companies is “just too expensive!” while keeping that in-house will put money back … Read more

Reputation Management: Why Your Company Should Stop Pretending to Be Perfect

The perfectionist mentality is ingrained in the contemporary world. From people’s picture-perfect lives as portrayed on social media, to most corporate news releases, we are inclined to tell the world that everything is hunky-dory all the time. (See your PTA moms’ feed for further proof.)

In this video, Jacob Morgan admits that there’s no perfect company and it’s okay not … Read more

Why You Desperately Need a Content Calendar (and How to Put One Together)


In today’s digital marketing world, content is not only king; it’s the whole chess set. Almost no brand can sustainably succeed without visual, emotional, and snackable content that draws your audience in, piques their interest, and convinces them to consider you as a solution to their problems.

But that’s not the end of it. Many marketers don’t yet realize … Read more

7 Storytelling Ideas For Your Content Marketing


There’s something magical that happens when you read the words “Once Upon a Time….”  Stories draw you in, and content marketing is, in its essence, storytelling. A ‘just the facts, ma’am’ approach will not get your audience’s attention, nor will it convert them to leads. Instead, you need to build narratives that potential customers can relate to as they … Read more

5 Olympic Campaigns that Prove All is Right with the World

Aspirational marketing is a breath of fresh air.  In this time of global unrest and social and political strife (<– understatement of the 21st century), we all need a little escape. Ok… a big escape. To a tropical location. Complete with bikinis and umbrella drinks…. Like, perhaps Rio?

Even Jesus is Excited

Capturing Aspirational Content

Today’s blog will showcase the aspirational work to Read more

3 Ways Brands Can Learn Storytelling from Cartoons

It was our first appointment viewing. Our first open-mouthed, awe-inspired, aspirational experiences with storytelling: cartoons. You might think what Wile E. Coyote and SpongeBob can teach us is well, elementary, but you would be wrong. Whether it’s a factual story, a fictional one, or a promotional story like advertising or marketing, we can all learn from storytelling tools to be … Read more

How Brands Get Content in Crisis Communications Wrong

At no other time are the stakes higher for your brand than during a crisis, and at no other time do brands miss an enormous opportunity. How do they get content wrong? Hint: they don’t have any.

The brand might have a crisis communications plan, even a robust, practiced one, but I guarantee they won’t have related content to … Read more